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Tourism in Pakistan

A trip through Pakistan is face to face encounter with a fascinating land ,that has withstood countless invasions and preserve the essence of its conquerors in its present monument and archaeological heritage see for yourself the excavated sites at Mohenjo-Daro and Taxila-seat the ancient Indus valley and Gandhara civilization ,the architectural monument of the Mughal the Khyber pass, the historic inlet to south Asia or the ancient unchanging tradition of the pagan Kalash Tribe in the Chitral valley and the polo match in the Gilgit  Baltistan  region which is played still in his origin 5000 B.C
Pakistan emerges on the map of the world as an independent sovereign state in August 14, 1947 as a result of the British Indian Empire. Half a dozen civilizations have flourished here and left there imprints. Historically this is one of the ancient lands known to man. Its cities flourished before Babylon was built, its people practice the art of good living and civilization ship before the celebrated ancient Greeks. Pakistan traces its history back to at least 2500 BC, when a highly developed civilization flourished in the Indus valley area. Excavation at Harappa, Moenjodaro and Kot-Diji has brought to light evidence of an advanced civilization existing even in most ancient time. Around about 1500 B.C the Aryans overwhelmed this region and by influenced the Hindu civilization, whose center moves to the Ganges valley, further east, later the Persians occupied the Northern Region in 5th century B.C. And again and again up to the 2nd century A.D. The Greek came in 327 B.C under the Alexander of Macedon, and pass away like a meteor. In 712 A.D the Arabs, led by Muhammad Bin Qasim, landed somewhere near modern Karachi and ruled the lower half of Pakistan for two hundred years. During this time Islam took rooted in the soil and influences the life, culture and tradition of the people. In the 10th century A.D began the systemic conquest of Indo-Pakistan by the Muslim from the central Asia who ruled almost the whole subcontinent up to the 18th century A.D; when the British became master of the land and ruled for nearly 200 years-for only 100 years over what is Pakistan now.


Pakistan is situated in the South Asia between latitude 24 and 37 degree north and longitude 62 and 75 degree east. The country border Iran on the west, India on in the east, Afghanistan in the North West, China in the North and Arabian Sea on the South. The great mountains range of the “Hamalaya”, the “Kakakurm” and the “Hindukash”, from Pakistan Northern highlands of North West Frontier Province and the Northern Area. Punjab province is the flat, alluvial plain with five major rivers dominating the upper region eventually joining the Indus River flowing from South of the Arabian Sea. Sindh is bounded on the east of the Thar Desert and the Rann of Kutch and on the west building, culture of the people, beaches, high mountain water fall, rush lakes, rivers, green trees, which really attract foreign tourist as well as local tourist. Every year government of Pakistanis earning lot of foreign exchange from this industry. Pakistan is equally important for tourist point of view. The four provinces and other part of the country and each province and areas are peculiar feature and demand special attention for the planners. Let’s take you a journey through this ancient yet modern land of ours.


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